Wednesday, February 3, 2010

See You There?

If you're planning to get together with us for the Utah Bloganthropy Brunch on February 20th, please put your name and blog link in the McLinky below. This way everyone can start getting to know each other prior to the big day by visiting your blog.  (There's no need to link back, tis not a carnival.)

Pledge Your Social Media Influence for Good at BloganthropyIf you can't come this month, but still plan to be involved, please still go ahead and sign up in the McLinky so I can get an idea of who is GENERALLY interested.  If you want to be involved but can't come this month, just let me know in the comments.

I do need to get a feel for how many people plan to come, so I can nail down the location. From emails, comments and tweets, it looked like around 45 women were tentatively planning on it, but that was before I announced an actual date.  Turns out it's much easier to commit to an imaginary event.

Date: Saturday, February 20th
Time: 10 - 12 PM
Location: TBA
Bring: Cans of food for the Utah Food Bank, and, if you are so inclined, some kind of brunchy treat (not required though, I know Saturday mornings are nutso).

(Oooh, and if you'd like to bring paper cups, plates, or napkins (CLASSY), please shoot me an email.)

That morning we'll start off by getting to know each other via speed dating Enforced-At-Gunpoint-Friendship-Rotations.  This is so you don't end up spending the whole morning talking to the same two bloggers you happened to sit down next to when you walked in the door.

After that, we'll throw around a few ideas for projects we'd like to try to tackle over the next few months. The idea is to pursue projects that have both online and real world components, so that our efforts aren't limited to what can be accomplished by local bloggers. HARNESSING THE POWER OF THE INTERNET and all of that jazz.

You are welcome to invite anyone and everyone - blog about it, tweet about it, even {EGADS} TALK about it - because non-bloggers are also completely welcome. I'm hoping to bring along a few non-blogging friends and relatives and I hope you'll do the same. The goal is to be like an internet based Junior League, but without the snob factor and wealth.  Accomplish some good stuff and have a little fun.

Thanks guys - hope you can come!

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